Monday, November 29, 2010

The Send Away



Orion & Meridith Competing at the Schutzhund National Championships

Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Charli" is rated Korclasse 1

Our Stud Charli Kampftrieb at the New England Regional Conformation Show and Breed Survey, where he was rated Korclasse 1 and is Recommended for breeding.

What is a Korclasse ?....

To obtain a Korclasse a dog is evaluated by a judge during a breed survey. A breed survey is the ultimate instrument used as the selection method for the German Shepherd Dog Breed.

This certificate follows a special procedure where the breed survey judge evaluates the dog’s temperament in different stimulus situations. The dog must always demonstrate a friendly and self-confident character and in any situation, must show control even when in confrontation with its own natural instincts.

After these tests the dog will be measured, weighed, and anatomically analyzed in the stand position and While moving. Based on each dog’s overall evaluation, it will be awarded the predicate Class I or Class II. Of course, not all dogs will be able to reach the level of these certificates.

The requirements to enter a dog in the breed survey event are not easy to achieve. They must be registered, absolutely healthy, a minimum of 2 years of age, successfully complete an endurance test "AD", receive a conformation rating at a breed show, obtain a Shutzhund performance title, and must have certified hips.

Meridith and "Orion" Qualify for the USA Schutzhund National Championships

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Our Team of Decoys

Gary D'hue, Certified Decoy
Dymitri Dovgan, Certified Decoy
Evans Marcelin, Certified Decoy
Ed Thorton, Certified Decoy

CTk9 would like to congratulate our very talented and hard working team of decoys for passing their helper evaluation, They are now USA Certified Decoys !!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Congratulations !

Pictured; Dmytri , Gary, Charli
Pictured; Gary,Charli and the judges

Gary And Charli Place 5th overall and 4th place HOT ( Handler , Owner , Trained ) out of a field of 58 competitors at this years Shutzhund German Shepherd Dog Championships.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Home Alone

What happens when you leave a Malinois home alone....

Friday, January 22, 2010

Say Hello ! .. Meridith's new competition dog "Draco"

"Draco" is in training for his Shutzhund titles and will be on the competition scene soon.

Why is this sideways??...Don't know. None the less,This is a small clip of Meridith's new competition dog "Draco" learning the important fundamentals for Shutzhund. LOL ....For those of you who know Meridith, you will find this funny but typical Meridith style. Shhh...Don't tell Gary, they were supposed to be practicing their tracking skills ;)